
The MG线上电子游戏 recognizes that one of the great challenges of our time is to make the decisions 和 investments — of both effort 和 money — that will simultaneously advance economic vitality, 生态完整性和社会正义. 经济活力, environmental integrity 和 social justice are deeply connected in both the short- 和 the long-term. This triple challenge 和 deep connection are embodied in the concept of sustainability.

认识到可持续发展是大学的核心价值, we commit to exercising leadership in our community 和 throughout society by providing the knowledge, 研究 和 curriculum to produce informed graduates who are able to create a positive, 公正和可持续的未来.

We will fully embrace sustainability 和 address climate change in our operations by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in our approach to managing the built environment, 能源, 水, 餐厅, 采购, 政策和运输业务.

通过将可持续性融入课程, 研究, 课外经验和校园运作, we will better serve our students 和 meet their social m和ate to help create a vital, 道德和繁荣的公民社会.

We believe that our commitment to sustainability requires us to work with community partners in the public 和 private sector to ensure a thriving local economy, 可持续发展的城市环境和公平的人类社会.

我们重申到2050年实现碳中和的承诺, as just one part of a holistic approach to becoming a sustainable University.


作为一个校园, we will adopt ways to adhere to the following principles through policies, 承诺, st和ard practices 和 everyday actions to realize our vision of incorporating sustainability into our 研究, 教学, 运营和MG线上电子游戏.

  • 包容与相互依存
    • Increase the University’s role as an anchor institution that actively contributes to a thriving local economy.
    • Build a more inclusive 和 cooperative community 和 enhance the One DU concept.
    • Frame our operational 和 educational missions to emphasize systems thinking 和 the connections among our actions, 自然系统和生态服务.
    • Emphasize the underst和ing that a healthy economy 和 thriving environment is impossible without creating a just society.
  • 应用进展
    • Emphasize 和 enhance existing 和 new 研究 和 教学 on sustainability 和 systems thinking.
    • Increase interdisciplinary approaches in addressing sustainability in the curriculum.
    • Utilize campus as a “living laboratory” for innovative applied 研究 和 教学 in operations.
    • 提供清晰的创新转移方法, 向更广泛的社区提供研究和操作最佳实践.
    • Provide clear pipelines for classroom innovations to become part of operational practice.
  • 弹性和幸福感
    • 改善人类和生态系统的健康和福祉.

  • 创新与认同
    • 采用创新理念来减少碳足迹.
    • Develop a distinct identity by integrating sustainability with our other priorities.
    • Market our sustainability efforts to attract 和 retain excellent students, faculty 和 staff.
  • 核心价值与责任
    • 将可持续发展作为新MG线上电子游戏的核心价值.
    • Improve 能源, 水, labor 和 other efficiencies in operational practices.
    • Improve our sustainability metrics 和 implement clear modes 和 protocols for sustainability reporting.


  • 目标
    1. Reduce 2007 carbon emissions levels by 24 percent by 2020 和 45 percent by 2025.
    2. Produce 5 percent of DU’s 能源 needs on-site through renewable sources.
    3. Continue reduction of on-campus electrical consumption by 500,000 kWh/yr.
    4. 研究一个20年的PPA,用于DU总能源需求的20%.
    5. Reduce 能源 Use Intensity on 校园 to 40 percent below national st和ards.
    6. 将SOV通勤减少到总行程的40%以下.
    7. Eliminate the need for first 和 second year students to have a car on campus.
    8. Create a “Green Fleet” consisting of 50 percent alternatively fueled vehicles.
    9. Achieve Bicycle Friendly University gold status by 2020, platinum by 2025.
    10. Achieve a 70 percent diversion rate, on the way to a waste-free campus by 2035.
    11. Advance DU’s role as an anchor institution by supporting 和 investing in local-, 女人- - - - - -, 少数族裔和校友拥有的企业.
    12. 制定并实施校园可持续采购政策.
    13. 撰写并实施校园可持续雨水政策.
    14. Achieve a 水 Use Intensity of 30 percent above national st和ards.
    15. 将2007年的室内用水量减少30%.
    16. Reduce 2007 levels of outdoor 水 use for irrigation by 40 percent.
    17. Purchase 40 percent of food from local or sustainably certified sources.
    18. Manage 50 percent of the grounds organically through a phased Integrated Pest Management approach, 从草坪养护开始.
    19. 参与 the entire DU community in sustainability programming or practice.
    20. Provide training in sustainability through a social justice lens for all new students 和 employees.
    21. 评估可持续素养, attitudes 和 culture longitudinally through annual campus-wide surveys.
    22. Implement a curricular 和 co-curricular sustainability learning outcome for all students, 和 identify or create at least one class per degree program that explicitly focuses on sustainability.
    23. Increase the total students taking more than one sustainability-related course.
    24. Develop an Interdisciplinary Institute to serve as the backbone to support community-engaged collective impact through curriculum 和 研究 projects.
    25. 到2020年成为AASHE明星金级,到2025年成为AASHE明星白金级.